Click on the state link above to see tournaments or weekly social games in that state |
Bowlers - improve your draw bowling by 20% for less than the cost of a cup of coffee. Robert (Bob) Tuck, the originator of getagameofbowls, has recently written a book called Lawn Bowls: The Game & How To Play It Well. You can find out more about the book from this link or read part of the chapter on getting your weight here You can buy the printed book for $24 posted or as an ebook for less than $5 on all platforms. |
Weekly Social Games at Casterton Bowling Club |
Club Details for Casterton
Club Name | Casterton |
Club Street Address 1 | 2 Murray St |
Club Street Address 2 | Casterton VIC 3311 |
Club Phone | (03) 5581 1797 |
Contact | |
Web Site | |
Club Mailing Address | PO Box 61 Casterton Victoria 3311 |
How To Find Greens A map and a satellite image are available in the Casterton entry in the list of clubs - a menu item above | Look for the recreation park. Island Park. Near Caravan park |
Weekly Social Games at Casterton
Day | Wednesday |
Time | 1815 |
Game | Social Bowls - Mixed |
Details | 16 ends 3 bowls triples |
Dress | casual |
Entry Cost | $5 |
Entry Includes | November through March each year |
Entry Type | Either single or team entry |
Contact | Harry Hanaford at the club |
Social Games at Clubs in Vic |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
This site is used by bowlers all over Australia and there are variations in the meanings of some words. For example we do not use the word 'open' because it has three different meanings. These are some of the terms we use |
To see the list of tournaments being played all over Australia click here
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You are invited to become a supporter of Getagameofbowls by subscribing to our newsletter. Each time you receive the newsletter you can check whether your club has its tournaments listed on getagameofbowls and that the information about social games on your club's page is accurate. We aim never to have out of date information on our site, and regularly reminding bowlers all over Australia will help us achieve this goal We also hope that the newsletter be of interest to most bowlers. It will have a featured articles and links to other items of general interest for bowlers. Please join our mailing list by clicking here |
Club Log On | Register | Improve your Game | Enjoy our Game | FAQ &Whois | Find a Club |
Header Photographs | The Measure - thanks to | Grandparent's Day Lindsay teaches Will(aged 4) |